What happens in each project phase

What are the main deliverables and activities in each phase?


All of the timelines provided below are subject to quick response times and accuracy of project details provided to the TELUS Build Team.


New Intake Phase is the first phase in the TELUS Build project lifecycle.

During this phase:

  1. New projects are submitted via the new intake form
  2. The project is assigned to an agent on the TELUS Build Team
  3. Requirements for Planning and verified

The main deliverables for this phase are:

  • Project Confirmation received
  • DRM Agent Assigned 

This phase should take no more than 24 hours.

Project Assessment 

During this phase:

  1. Planning Assessment is Completed by the TELUS Build Agent
  2. A build partner is assigned
  3. The build partner submits a quote for design and materials
  4. Build partner quote is approved
  5. A network number is assigned

The main deliverables for this phase are: 

  • The TELUS Build team develops an understanding of the project
  • Quote is approved and Bill Of Materials is created
  • Partner is introduced to the customer
  • Billing Letter is sent to the customer

This phase takes between 21-28 days depending on the feedback cycles

Design in Progress

During this phase:

  1. Developer is notified design commenced with timelines
  2. Partner handoff
  3. Billing Letter Sent
  4. Design is IFC, all permits approved and received
  5. Billing is resolved

The main deliverables for this phase are: 

  • Designs and permits in place for construction, temporary lines if requested

This phase takes between 21-28 days depending on the feedback cycles.


During this phase:

  1. Materials are delivered
  2. Network is installed
  3. The completion package from the build partner is received 

The main deliverable for this phase is:

  • Network construction is completed
This phase takes between XX 


During this phase:

  1. Construction of the network is completed
  2. Physical network is in place to provide service
  3. Customers can receive service
  4. Addressing confirmed

The main deliverables for this phase are:

  • Network build accepted by TELUS
  • Customers can receive service

This phase takes between XX